
Menampilkan postingan dari Februari, 2018


Интернет привел мир вместе, как никогда раньше. Объединив всех на глобальном уровне, Интернет стал одной из основных потребностей всех. Организация Объединенных Наций осудила любую страну, которая ограничивает его граждан использованием Интернета, поскольку теперь она считается неотъемлемой частью жизни каждого человека. Страны, имеющие доступ к Интернету, взимают чрезмерные сборы за использование. Большинство стран даже не имеют хороших условий в сети. World Wi-Fi : облегчает для всех использование Интернета, Wi-Fi World работает над моделью, которая обрабатывает все лазейки в системе. World Wi-Fi — это глобальная децентрализованная свободная сеть, которая работает через маршрутизатор, который может быть даже живым маршрутизатором. World Wi-Fi дает вам возможность поделиться своим маршрутизатором с другими гостями и пройти через него. Мировой Wi-Fi дает вам наилучший шанс получить доступ к Интернету и пройти через это. World Wi-fi стремится привлечь Интернет к людям, кото

BuzzShow: New Generation Video Sharing Platform

Hi, I want to tell you about a beautiful project today. With technological developments and increasing use of computers, the use of internet in every household and at home is increasing day by day. We can not live without the Internet. We use social media and video channels to share every single moment. If you are not without social media and video channels, then this article is for you. BuzzShow is a project specifically addressing video-sharing lovers. We recommend that you visit the page for detailed information before sharing it with you. WHAT IS BUZZSHOW? The shortest definition is the first video social networking platform based on block chain technology. Creating your own video channel gives you a decentralized approach to the online video market, keeping track of others, sharing your videos, suggesting videos you share with others. BuzzShow also uses Goldies as the crypto currency for video creation, video sharing and viewing. BuzzSho
Gambar What is transcodium Transcodium is a serious business. Its global market size is estimated to double in 5 years. There is currently a market of $ 3.35 billion by 2018. The process is largely behind the scenes. Before your video is presented on Netflix YouTube, the file will be converted to as many formats as possible. This file format is intended for a number of media players that support software and devices. You do not like to play the same file formats on desktops, TVs, and mobile devices. Transcoding takes place in the cloud. As a working model, cloud transcoding has no issues in workflow, concept, or software. Real problems and solutions: When you consider large-scale cloud computing for transcoding, you run into problems. Waiting time may be longer and longer. Processing costs can grow ten times or more. Worse, you may experience some serious data loss. The Blockchain project, Transcodium focuses on eliminating this problem. Th


Today I want to tell you a very interesting and promising project in my opinion. This project will allow a large number of people to make their lives more comfortable and better. And now I'm talking about a HERO project. Have you ever borrowed something? The debt should then be given. This process is called a loan. But just as this process goes hand in hand with certain risks and discomforts. For example, in Southeast Asia, large numbers of people can not take advantage of their goals. Thus, it turns out that about two billion people actually struck from the structure of bank lending and other similar areas of interaction. This problem is designed to complete the HERO project. The HERO project is being developed by a team of professionals who have not heard the news of what they are dealing with. The HERO team is in Southeast Asia and has a definite idea of ​​how to do business in consumer lending that does not have direct access to such services

Dragon Coins project review

Hello friends, hope this Dragon Coins project review can be your reference and I am really happy with this project. Because Dragon Coins is one of the hottest ICO's on the market today from the looks and I think this project will rise to the top and stay there to the moon. Why am I talking like this? Let me say that: Dragon Coin is a digital currency that wants to change the gambling industry from Macau and its surroundings. The game is a legitimate industry that sometimes attracts some dubious characters - as we all know. This is a huge global business generating over $ 300 billion in profits last year alone. That number is expected to rise. Dragon junket and DGC reception, DGC is a digital utility token purchased with DRG and can be exchanged for physical game chip in place affiliated with Dragon. Many of these rich VIP gamers come from abroad and they arrive in Macau to play games because they are interested in the travel promotions and luxury accommodations off

NODE Intelligent Technology For Wireless

Hello Kripto lovers, we got a new ico here called NODE. Let's read all the explanations about that under ... WHAT IS NODE? NODE is a great advanced activation that disrupts the business market of Wi-Fi sender gadgets for any personal and skilled use. Our spectacular improvements, in-house analysis of space for storing and dispatching power, allow the United States to provide an alternative area unit that is recognized for its high quality and efficient use. By 2017, the Node mark is created keeping in mind the purpose of the tip to execute possible tasks, recruit protected rights of the innovation, and attract the master's entrance in the field of wireless vitality transmissions, with a particular final goal to take part in the development of things. Currently, it offers the market a diverse range of technical settings in the field of wireless vitality transmissions - from shopper hardware to fashionable goods. The way to create something that utilizes the

ADMINE- Blockchain Based Technology

Hello everyone, on this occasion I will discuss a very good project for you all .. Ie the ADMINE Project, let's go to the following discussion; WHAT IS ADMINE? AdMine is social networking brands based on BlockChain technology. We would like to draw the attention of users against ad and increase their effectiveness by creating favorable conditions, where all the profit from the cooperation. To see the ads, the user will be credited with the crypocurrencies, which can be used to purchase products on the internet, this Platform will allow advertisers to become investors, users can choose the direction of advertising they want to watch, the earn money each saw the ad, and can be withdrawn to your bank account or card or exchanged with crypto. The uniqueness system AdMine is. Adjusted for security. All processes in the platform, starting from work ad creation to user communications, using smart contracts as independent arbitrators to satisfy


Gambar Globatalent is a platform that connects you with various sports teams, and you can invest in your game. Globatalent is a decentralized market where investors and enthusiasts can invest in clubs or players and benefit from the purchase and sale of future profits secured by rights to images, player transfers. We have developed a decentralized platform using blockchain technology, where you and the wider community have access to different sports teams / players. You will benefit from investing in players or teams in the markets we supply. Profits from the purchase and sale of future benefits are guaranteed by the right to withdraw funds, player transfers, prize money, salaries, ticket sales, television contracts or other revenue. You do not need to spend a lot of money, you can invest with a small amount of money and use it. In addition to investing in players or teams, you are also involved in the development of these sports players. Our platform


приветлющие технологии будущего, на этот раз я расскажу о специальной платформе для тех из вас, кто просто хочет начать предпринимательство или самостоятельно заняться работой и кто был предпринимателем, подробности см. в обзорах ниже, Наряду с развитием интернет-мира, как и сегодня, покупатели, когда они хотят купить продукт или намерены его купить, ищут отзывы об этом продукте в глобальной сети. О потребностях этих покупателей в обзорах есть целая индустрия, которая обрабатывает «управление репутацией». Согласно статистическим исследованиям, 50% взрослых американцев видят свои отзывы, прежде чем принимать решение о покупке.  Таким образом, становится ясно, что исследовательская индустрия играет очень важную роль в создании имиджа бренда, а также повышает доверие к деловой репутации. Из-за этого компания может получать не только доходы от своих продуктов, но и бонусы от различных компаний-исследователей, таких как Metacritic. Это связано с


It is impossible to find a soul with ears with some peaceful music. Most of us tend to have a sudden fondness and attraction towards music. The digital music world is one of our primary fascinations presently. Today, we even get the chance to download songs directly on our phone which makes things a lot easier. Blockchain knows it all is the reason why it is introducing to the social music network - Potentiam. Introduction Potentiam is a decentralized network working to enhance the social music network. If we talk of the present situation, there have been a lot of changes in the music industry and it is no longer what it was a few years back. The potentiam platform connects the individuals with the music industry by making use of crypto technology. This helps in reinforcing and encouraging interaction between the individuals with like minds. Also gives an opportunity to the creative people to work on their creativity. That is not all.


CIBUS предлагает огромный спектр услуг на платформах, ускоренных токенами CIBUS и поддерживаемых сообществами CIBUS, разбросанных по всему миру, чтобы иметь реальный бизнес-потенциал, который могли бы реализовать их пользователи. Сеть CIBUS построена с использованием новейших технологий на основе блокчин, направленных на обеспечение прозрачности пищевых и оздоровительных добавок, которые обеспечивают происхождение, качество и количество продукта. CIBUS может поставлять добавки и производители продуктов питания, продавцы или торговцы под одну целевую, интерактивную и зависимую технологическую платформу blockchain, а также изменять прозрачность посредством надежной информации, записываемой в книгу и распространяемой свободно и свободно. Доступно для всех сторон или заинтересованных сторон; Поэтому каждый владелец домашнего бизнеса и покупатель будут пользоваться самым эффективным потенциалом прозрачность, достоверность и надежность продуктов питания, которые они хотят зна