Gladius is the decentralized solution to protecting against DDoS attacks by allowing you to connect to protection pools near you to provide better protection and accelerate your content. With an easy to use interface as well as powerful insight tools, Gladius enables anyone to protect and accelerate their website.

We are Gladius

Foto Gladius.

DDoS attacks are becoming an increasing reality of operating a business with an online presence. These attacks can cost an incredible amount of money, not just in lost uptime, but also a loss in consumer trust and crisis PR.

Every day, 40 petabytes of data flow through the internet.
A large portion of that is malicious traffic from distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks, a common bot-driven attack that slows down access to online services, forcing legitimate websites and applications to go offline. Companies devastated by these attacks lose an average of $500,000 per attack. Over 300,000 DDoS attacks a year means an annualized loss of $150 billion.

What’s more, every day, millions of online businesses lose potential users or customers due to poor user experiences. According to data from Google and Kissmetrics, an average user will only wait around 3 seconds before deciding to leave a website. Users require the next page to load to search for what’s next and what to click on. They require the prompt just around the loading screen to see the great yellow button that seems to command them to buy. They require their favorite social media site to load as soon as physically possible to connect with their peers in the incessant need for human contact.

Of course there are available tools and resources to both enhance website loading speeds and protect against traffic-based attacks like DDoS. The question is whether they are affordable, accessible, scalable, and customizable. All current existing solutions miss out on at least one of these important features. Fortunately blockchain technology solves this with a decentralized sharing economy.

At Gladius, we have made it our mission to take advantage of the power of decentralization in optimizing network traffic for speed and DDoS attack resilience. Our platform is the next step in the evolution of website optimization and protection services.

DDoS Protection is for Everyone
A DDoS attack can be costly and debilitating for any business. While some believe that only big companies are at risk, 50% of all websites will fall victim to a denial of service attack. It is integral that all online organizations have some solution in place to protect against the worst.

DDoS attacks have cost millions for household names like Twitter, BBC, and Netflix. A DDoS attack can reportedly cost companies between $100,000 and $250,000 per hour. And for a major business that relies on online traffic for revenue, DDoS mitigation solutions could cost tens of millions just to fight back once the attacks are underway.

Speed is the Name of the Game
All modern day websites are made built and grown on top of one thing: speed. Every business should know that enhanced website response times can translate to increased conversions and revenue. Improving delivery across a global audience can also be a factor in successfully expanding your business to customers in the far corners of the world. A content delivery network significantly cuts load times down to a fraction of the normal amount.

The massive advantage that a CDN grants to businesses is easily noticeable by the fact that the CDN market in 2015 was worth $4.95 billion dollars — a figure expected to more than triple by 2020 to $15.73 billion dollars.

Blockchain — The Missing Puzzle Piece
The ability to greatly mitigate DDoS attacks while creating an effective and secure CDN puts our team in a unique position. Fully utilizing blockchain technology lets us put the power in the hands of the community. Having a platform of independent nodes that is capable of headlessly transferring currency comprises the core of our network.

The network of nodes and pools leads to a highly competitive marketplace where pools can set prices, tailor network settings, and compete for business. As a consequence, users will get the best possible service at the most competitive prices. It is our mission to make the internet safer and faster for both businesses and end-users.

The Gladius Platform
Gladius’ goal is to create a fully decentralized and peer-to-peer network to connect the unused bandwidth in the world to websites looking for DDoS protection and accelerated content delivery. Anyone with a computer can download the Gladius peer client and run it in the background to rent out their unused bandwidth and earn Gladius Tokens (GLA) in the process. Large pools with hundreds, if not thousands, of nodes will then be able to handle a continuous stream of requests to validate website connections and block any malicious activity while also, improving load times through a decentralized CDN.

Client nodes can be established on any Linux, Windows, or MacOS machine and will automatically run in the background when you choose. A node can then choose their bandwidth abilities and apply to join a pool. After they are accepted, every request that users’ computers processes will earn them Gladius Tokens. In turn, users can sell these tokens back to websites to create an economic cycle that promotes the growth of the Gladius Network.

Web sites that are looking for protection will simply be able to create an account on the Gladius website, purchase Gladius Tokens, and then request the installation of services in a few clicks. When a website is part of the Gladius network, a live schedule will be available to monitor connections, security, location and other information.

Client nodes can easily be able to create a local account and wallet, configure the network settings to open any necessary ports, join any pools that they are best suited for, and start earning GLA. Users will be able to toggle when they are renting. Advanced features include configuration settings that allow automatically toggling the service based on the time of day, other programs running, and other in-depth user-configurable parameters.

With Gladius, it's all about empowering everyone to contribute in making the Internet a better and safer place through faster website access and DDoS attack mitigation - all while making money in return.

Content Delivery Network and DDoS Protection

20% Bonus
Public Sale Starts November 1st, 02:00 (UTC)




GLA maksimum 96,3M
600 GLA / ETH
(Bonus 20%)
525 GLA / ETH
(Bonus 5%)
515 GLA / ETH
(Bonus 3%)
505 GLA / ETH
(Bonus 1%)
500 GLA / ETH

Tokens Distribution

Tokens will adhere to this distribution. 
After the funding period is complete, the Partnership and Core Dev tokens will be allocated based on the amount of public coins sold.


Public Release



*October 5th Pre Sale.
The launch of our private presale and the start of our outward fundraising. Accredited investors will have the chance to kickstart the Gladius network from ground zero.

*October 31st Soft Network Launch.
The first publically available version of the Gladius network that everyone can get their hands on. Put your Gladius Tokens to use in our alpha platform.

*November 1st Public Token Sale.
Our first and only public sale of tokens for the platform. Take advantage of early coin multipliers and get in early. Only a fix number of coins will exist.

*March 2018 Full DDoS and CDN Launch.
The beta release of the Gladius network. Fully featured with the cornerstones of our CDN and DDoS mitigation services.

*August 2018 Full Public Launch.
The first official public release of the network. Websites and businesses of all shapes and sizes will be able to use our network to speed up and protect their sites. Full support and assistance included.

*December 2018 Further System Optimizations and Stretch Goals.
The final bells and whistles of the platform. From the various stretch goals, to bullet-proof security, and everything in between.

Further information:

Author: titadamay


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