
Hi, I want to talk about the "Metta" project, which is quite new to you in this writing. I would like to introduce Metta, which will increase the quality of our lives, which is the most reliable way of thinking, considering that the question marks about how we use bitcoin and crypto in real life are common problem for all of us and that the best solution we are looking for is Metta. The ICO of this project is heard among the crypto industry enthusiasts. A short description may not be enough to tell you the Metta, but at least it helps you to get some ideas. For more information, please visit our web site ( ).

We all need a wide range of services in our daily lives. It's clear that many of us use offline services more than online services. Metta has created a platform so that we can order offline services using our smartphones. There are many services on this platform. On this account, users can easily access any of these and choose any of them.

Block-chain (blockchain) technology is built on the basis. The mission of the Metta project is to create a platform for direct interaction (p2p) and secure interaction between local small businesses through mobile application. METTA team initially plans to focus on providing car maintenance, car repair and spare parts services. After a while, expansion is planned with other offline services such as medical services, electronic repair services, or real estate rental / sales services.

There will be many offline services on this platform and people using this platform will be able to access these services easily and quickly.

As of 2016, there is a total volume of 8.73 billion dollars in car services in Russia. Motta's hectare is able to get a share of 1% from this sector.


Metta Mobile Platform provides many convenience. If they summarize the main ones;

Services can communicate directly with customers on the platform. This price makes it easy to solve any problems in bargaining and shopping.
In case of any damage, images of the damage to the car can be sent directly to the service.

With geo-location technology, customers can view all services close to their location and review price quotes.

Provides the opportunity to choose the best among the services by looking at feedback surveys and comments from other customers.
The payment system is highly reliable thanks to the smart contract feature.
Payments can use the Mettaco as well as foreign currency
After the services the customers receive, a promotional system will be created to encourage comments and feedback surveys. This will facilitate the selection of the service of the other customer.

I think the Metta platform is obviously investmentable and there is no such system in our country and there is a great need for this issue.


ICO information

Let's take a closer look at the sale of token below:

Name: Mettacoin
Token standard: ERC20
Number of tokens at start: 300 000 000 Mettacoin
Soft cap: 409 ETH
Founders' share: 90 000 000 Mettacoin

Pre-ico period: 20 November 2017-19 December 2017
Price: 1 ETH = 7 249 Mettacoin
Number of tokens to send: 8 895 539 Mettacoin

Ico period: 01 January 2018 - 01 February 2018
Price: 1 ETH = 4 493 Mettakin

Number of tokens to send: 201 104 461 Mettacoin

Pre-ico Bonuses:

First Week + 45% Bonus
Second Week + 40% Bonus
Third Week + 35% Bonus
Fourth Week + 30% Bonus


2Q 2017
Market research
Develop project ideas
3Q 2017
Develop technical and economic plans for project realization
White paper, preparing pre ICO
4Q 2017
Pre-order ICO (November 20 - December 19)
1Q 2018
Implement ICO (January 1 - Feb. 1)
Increase the number of items from the project team.
Engineering and development of alpha versions of Metta applications
2Q 2018
UI / UX engineering and developing a beta version of the Metta app.
3Q 2018
Launch project on Russian territory
4Q 2018
Development and introduction of block chain solutions into projects
1Q 2019
Introduction of other offline services into Metta: home renovation, medical services, loans, etc.
2Q 2019
Launch project in US
English language localization of Metta services
3Q 2019
Launch project in PRC region.
Local localization of Metta service
4Q 2019
Launch of projects in the EU region.
Multilanguage localization project.
1Q 2020
Achieve the expected profitability level, the first dividend payout.


Aleksei Sidelnikov
2 higher education
Over 20 years in business

Maxim Akimov
Head of Development Department
Software development experience from 2004
Over 5 years of project management

Dmitrii Bykov
Backend developer
2 higher education
Over 6 years development experience

Maxim Onishuk
IOS & Android Developers
Higher education
Over 9 years development experience

Ivan Kamayev
Financial advisor
Higher education
Over 6 years experience in financial analysis

Roman Vlasyuk
Internet marketing specialist
Head of team
Over 6 years experience in internet marketing

Further Information:

Created By: titadamay


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