
It is difficult to live without knowing what will happen next. Therefore, some citizens are afraid to think about tomorrow, because now is a difficult time. Therefore, people are looking for any means of generating income to somehow feed themselves and their families. It's easier for those who have a car, because you can earn money with it.

However, the issue of earnings for car care for many motorists, because they do not understand how this can be done. I'm glad that we know many cases where people with cars come out of the most difficult financial situations, so your car should help you.

Before you surf the Internet hoping to find a profitable way to earn money on the machine, you should check this problem. For the cost of services. That is, if you bought a car for $ 6,200, then it overcame 120,000 miles, losing about $ 3000, which is half the price on the car itself.

Earnings are not satisfied with a "female" car, in which there are only two seats. Look at your car as a way of earning only if it has 4 seats for passengers and a spacious trunk. Do not forget that the car should be expensive to avoid incidents on the road. Because this will lead to the fact that you will not be able to carry out customer orders in exchange for money, but you still have to spend money on repairing it.

The second and third methods of earning are advertising and delivery of cars for rent.

The rental is suitable for those who do not travel by car or have an "extra" car that it can pass. You can get for the day 10-15 $. But it should be understood that drivers will not regret about your car, because they do not care what happens to it, because it is not their property, which is very unfortunate.

The car can also be much higher than specified in the standards. It is better that the truck is made by the owner, because tenants can only borrow money from the owner, while continuing to ride on a broken car.
As a result, the car will soon be sold as scrap metal. If you are a supporter of this method of earning, then necessarily insure your "swallow", because anything can happen, anything. It would also be better if you finish the lease from a notary who will check the details of the lessee and tell you whether you trust his property.

Indeed, some scammers take the car for rent on fake documents, and then rent them for parts, so be careful. In addition, the contract may indicate the amount that the lessee must refund in the event of an accident or theft of the car. But if the insurance company refuses compensation through the fault of the taxi driver, he will have to reimburse the entire cost of the car.

It will be ideal if you agree not with the driver personally, but with the company that provides taxi services.

Profit on advertising

In fact, this is an easy way to make a profit. You will just need to hang your car. Salary depends on the size of the car, in what year it was released and what kind of appearance it has.

If you hang the rear window and the side of the body, you will get about $ 60. Insert only the rear window, you will get $ 20-30. However, the advertiser also sets the correct mileage (on the day when it should be at least 20 km).

The salary is issued monthly, but only after you give the advertiser the speedometer data. If you completely insert the car, you can get 150-200 $.

But if you do not want to do it yourself, it's just a great alternative that can take absolutely everyone and make a profit. This is a CrowdDrive project based on blockchain technology. Learn More

With their car project, they give every motorist the opportunity to participate in their dream car and earn money with it. Now you have the opportunity to freely participate in your vehicles in accordance with your budget. Already from the participation of $ 10 you are. Of course, the money you made can be used for free. You can cash out or participate in another car of your choice.

Blockchain technology allows them to create their project in a transparent and reliable way.

Revenues from the sale of tokens will be invested in various vehicles and garage on a private car. For all tokens holders, you can participate in vehicles. Cars will be sold, rented or leased to their customers. They will receive a profit, which we will divide into all shareholders of vehicles. All data and changes in vehicles will be stored in a block chain.

Shares of vehicles can be purchased and sold through their market. It is important to distinguish between two categories. There are suggestions from Crowddive about new vehicles available, and there are offers of already purchased shares from the holder of the tokens who want to sell their shares.

Buying shares is very simple through their website and from the third quarter of 2018 through thei application in just a few clicks. The proposals are described in detail, and all important information can be found in the proposal. Crowddrive will give an optional estimate of the price for sale and, therefore, an estimate of the percentage.

Imagine what a large parking lot will be in this project and how much you can earn. These are just great numbers, and I think you need this moment to use it. Be sure to buy your tokens and keep generosity.

For more information about Project CrowdDrive, you can visit the link below:

My ETH Address: 0xCcFF3650214db80251599293CB0Df156ad80Ba0D


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