NAREIG is a real estate company

Hasil gambar untuk NAREIG (HCT)

NAREIG (North American Real Estate Investment Group) was established in Seattle in 2012 with an initial vision to provide online platforms offline to help international real estate buyers invest in North America. Over the past 5 years, NAREIG has evolved into one of the leading brands that help Chinese net buyers to invest overseas.

NAREIG is the first real estate company to offer real estate coupon benchmarks on Ethereal block. Founded in 2012, NAREIG, an international real estate company that helps hundreds of overseas buyers to invest in the United States, Canada, Britain, Germany, France, Spain, Portugal, Greece, Australia, New Zealand, Japan and Thailand. With solid experience in both residential and commercial industries, NAREIG plans to create real estate coupon benchmarks to benefit both international and domestic buyers.

The NAREIG Token is a "coupon to buy property". Each token purchased with a $ 1 cash value can be redeemed as a value of $ 100 token while a client purchases his property with NAREIG. Because NAREIG already operates in 12 countries, it allows the token buyer to redeem the token value in this area immediately. Therefore, it stabilizes the token value and provides liquidity through tokenization.

The NAREIG approximation approach to real estate coupons sets the anchor value on the token. Much other evidence proves unreliable and vulnerable to volatility. The goal of the NAREIG token is to provide a stable token that can benefit buyers anytime. NAREIG is a US company based in Seattle, San Francisco bay area and Manhattan. Although NAREIG has a partnership in China, this token offer is solely made through NAREIG US Company (Real Estate Investment Group of North America).

The price for one HCT is US $ 1.00, but buyers can exchange HCT with NAREIG when they buy a house through NAREIG, the discount is US $ 100.00. For clients who do not want to redeem those tokens, they can exchange NAREIG merchandise to other home buyers at market prices.
1 Million HCT, $ 0.5 / HCT for 100 First HCT, $ 0.75 / HCT for Left 900 Thousand HCT.

Why Invest in NAREIG Token Sales
A leading se trouve company 5 years in the United States
Already have real estate business in 12 countries and millions USD in annual revenue.

Unlike other ITS road maps "already written", NAREIG jeton can be redeemed immediately after purchase. The team and the NAREIG product have been successful for several years and this is a mature plate-form without the uncertainty.

Remove upside down because one $ 1 jeton will be worth $ 100 during redemption.
Since jetons have a definite utility value, this is like anchor junas whose downside is supported by a clear utility value. NAREIG Jeton can also be used as a hedge against market decline.

The estuary market is considered a long-term investment vehicle and one of the most stable assets. By linking crypto assets with real estate coupons, it provides token holders with diversified risk diversification portfolios.
NAREIG is not a newcomer to the real estate industry, it was founded in 2012 and already has a well established team. It is also a leading brand among high net worth investisseur Chine.

All members of the management team have experience of managers over 15 years. The team is well versed with solide real estate knowledge and client handling skills directly.

Liquidity. The token holder can redeem at any time or be sold to other real estate buyers. The need for a real estate purchase is a university requirement and always there.

Token Sale

(NAREIG 'commission x 25% ransom HCT)
100 = Maximum number of tokens to be redeemed
You plan to buy a house worth USD $ 2 million via NAREIG. If NAREIG gets a 3% commission from
transaction, will be equal to USD $ 60,000.
Based on the above formula, you can redeem 150 HCT. If
You buy HCT for USD $ 1, you then save $ 14,850 USD from real estate transactions.
($ 60,000 x 25%)
100 = 150 HCT
$ 100 x 150HCT - $ 1 x 150 HCT = $ 14,850


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Created by: titadamay

My ETH Address: 0xCcFF3650214db80251599293CB0Df156ad80Ba0D


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