SELFLLERY photography or knowledge of crypto

SELFLLERY is a multi-purpose social platform that lets you receive awards in crypto for social activities related to the publication and distribution of visual content.

Selfllery says that no prior experience in photography or knowledge of crypto is necessary to join. Blockchain technology is used to let users see where they come from tokens, and add a layer of security to the system.

Selfllery is a startup and now the 2016 social platform launched in the form of early pre-sale, early invite users to try platforms with extratoken appointments only given to the original full user at launch. Registration opens on the Selfllery website and in the Android app, while Initial Coin Offering (investor-speak for launch to initial support) is planned for March. In the future, this platform plans to expand more than just photos, adding support for video as well as live-streaming.

"People like to see the picture again and again, and we believe it is valuable," said Vadim Onishchenko, founder and CEO of Selfllery. "From art rock to modern advertising, humans have valueed the arts.The social networks today have mechanisms for users to make money from their online activities, but this mechanism takes time and skills to operate, and in the meantime, the company behind this network is a person who earns money from user content In Selfllery, we want to solve this problem.We introduce blockchain into the mechanism, and allow anyone to be rewarded for their visual content, quickly and automatically. "

Currently, the stage for sharing visual material begins to grow rapidly, recording 1.2 trillion photos taken in 2017, the number extends 600 billion more than in 2013. With the number of photos that can be expanded from year to year create a stage for sharing the flow of visual substance began to be considered. However, of that number, only couples can customize their visual material, and others only share content but do not benefit from it. We consider this unwarranted and start building a stage called "SELFLLERY", a Platform that allows Users to customize their Content, and Platforms that will make it less publicly demanded to share visual material. We might make the Community as simple and imaginable as possible in sharing visual material and become reality because of it, where this framework will be based on easy and safe Blockchain innovation.

I do not take many pictures with my camera phone, but I am smart enough to know that I am a rare bird. How many photos are taken annually? About 1.2 trillion images were taken in 2017.

Facebook is mostly ridiculed for buying Instagram in 2012, but they see what others do not have: everyone can be a photographer with their phone. Camera phone resolution will only improve, and the price is basically the same as the price of one photo or one million photos. In other words, way back in 2012, Facebook understands everyone will just take more pictures and share them. In retrospect, marriage Facebook / Instagram is as perfect as your business.


Does anyone make money? Yes, but maybe not what you think.

Monetization of visual content occurs through ads on web pages (such as Facebook) or through direct sales. Both methods assume commercial use.

On the direct selling side, only the best photos are usually purchased. To meet the stringent quality standards, you usually need high end equipment and specialist teams. On the advertising side, end users do not share any benefits, while shareholders reap all the benefits.

I will admit that you can become an influencer and make it to the 1 million magic followers and assess the corporate agreement. However, I believe the deal is reserved for celebrities, models, and people who can make money from their photos.

Enter the blockchain technology.

Blockchain makes it possible to perform peer-to-peer transactions. This is where SELFLLERY believes they can support the monetization of peer-to-peer visual content by adopting blockchain and distributing their tokens named YOU. Users will receive an award in YOU for social activities related to the publication and distribution of visual content.


SELFLLERY wants to build a market community that gives each other an incentive to be active on the platform. This platform will have familiar features like "Likes", followers, and rating system. SELFLLERY will also use gamification and offer photo contest and photoquests. Photoquest can be a single or multiplayer game where the user is assigned to create a specific image of an object, animal or scene for a limited time. The selected photoquest winner is then rewarded with YOUR token.

In addition, SELFLLERY will offer stock photo galleries where users can submit and potentially sell their photos.

Lastly, SELFLLERY will have a loyalty program where the most popular / active platform users will get YOUR bonus bonus using progressive loyalty multiplayer, which will increase the amount of goods YOU receive each transaction.

SELFLLERY Business Model

You think a company that adopts "free" cryptocurrency to use? Think again. SELFLLERY needs to bring in revenue to operate like any other ICO.

SELFLLERY will charge for the following services:

Sales of products and services in the market
Selling photos in the stock gallery
Advertising campaigns, photos, contests, photoquests
Promotional smart contract
SELFLLERY will also serve as an AdTech platform for entities that want to promote their products and services through advertising campaigns and cost-per-action / click / display models.



The initial distribution of your Token generated during TGE:

64% of buyers
Dana Reward 12%
10% of Token reserve fund
10% of Team projects
3% of advisors
Bounty Program 1%
Tokens can be purchased through YOUR Bitcoin (BTC) or Wireshark (ETH):
Minimum goal 10,000 ETH (soft cap)
55 000 Purpose of ETH Maximum (hard cap)

I did a search using the following terms "cryptocurrency crypto ico" and besides Kodak's confusing announcement, I can not find, or recall something similar to the one suggested by SELFLLERY. I find it strange because I think there is at least one other ICO who will propose the same. Depending on how you look at it, it can be positive or negative. I'll let you decide.

One of my criteria for writing about ICO is to imagine myself using a product / service. Needless to say that SELFLLERY will need a bug-free interface and value show, easy to use. I can see myself using SELFLLERY, but this kind of platform is fun if many people 1) are aware of them and 2) use them often. SELFLLERY will have the challenge of pushing users to their platform and proving that everyone can win by using it. Facebook works because this is a one-stop shop for non-business social media activities. Can SELFLLERY survive as a dedicated platform? I think so, but the right conditions must exist together with a little luck. I would be happy if SELFLLERY developed a plan to encourage influencers and / or celebs to platforms. You get some and maybe there is a flood of users who will follow.

Overall, I love SELFLLERY's vision, but the challenge is to build known brand names and goals to manage all your digital photo needs and keep making sure users feel part of a cool community. I think it's also a good sign that they have a working goal ( Now we have to see if adding cryptocurrency will be a growth catalyst.

I wish them the best and plan to monitor their progress (as well as being a user). I think you should consider doing the same thing. There is a major ICO starting March 4, 2018.


Q1 2016-idea, domain research
Product concept definition
Q2 2016-version of Alpha Web version
Alpha Android app
Q3-2016 in WEB interface testing
In testing Android apps
Q4 2016-Beta version of the Android app
User testing service
Market research and analysis Q1 2017
preparation of the White Book
Q2 2017-a model of economic validation
Consulting Advisor
TGE 2017-Q3 Launch
2014 Q4 Launch Program
Pre-Pre Launches TGE-TGE
Photo Module Module contest
Expansion team for TGE
Q1 Launches 2018-TGE
Ad Expansion Team Module
Editing a market photo of the iOS app filter beta
Development of additional modules
Global marketing campaign

For more information:

Created by: titadamay

My ETH Address: 0xCcFF3650214db80251599293CB0Df156ad80Ba0D


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